
Saturday, 7 November 2009

Sony's TV advert from early 2006

Jaun Cabral's bouncy balls advert for SONY.

Questions to aid the analysis of postmodernity of TV adverts

If you consider it alongside the the later Tango Parody what is post modern about this famous TV advert from 2006?

Are its associations merely arbitary or can audiences actively interpret these adverts?

Consider also whether the brand in the advert is more important than its product(s), which are regularly improved and up-dated with new models.

Which produce the greater meanings and associations for audiences the product or the logo? (Give reasons)

What are the meanings and associations produced in these adverts?

In what ways is this form of advertising powerful or ineffectual in reaching audiences/consumers?

Why type of audiences does it work best with: mass or niche audiences and why?

How do adverts like this one "emotionally connect" audiences with the product?

What is the sense of "spectacle" here?

How were these products advertised in earlier decades when modernist mass consumption was the norm? (Have a look at some of the earlier adverts on YouTube.)

In the closing years of Fordist, mass production and consumption Sony marketed their televisions in the UK with a different emphasis, even if the message was was roughly the same. The audience did not really need to work very hard at interpretation as it was done for them. In those days intertextual references were beginning to seep through but were fairly laboured as the older style of advertising based on mass consumption was still entrenched. The intertextual reference is to a well known soap powder (DAZ)convinced "housewives" to test the whiteness of its wash against other products by using free soap powder for a trial wash. Celebrity-fronted advertising is still with us, as it has been since the 1950s. John Cleese was, . . . well, John Cleese, who was known for his 1970s comedy series "Fawlty Towers", his earlier appearances in "Monty Python" and some British films.

Here's another parody of the bouncy balls advert:

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